Vendor product data integration

Start a self-learning data integration process

Vendor product data integration with klarso

Extract and integrate third party product data

In e-commerce and purchasing, the efficient integration of outside vendors’ product data into the company’s own data structures is a major challenge and often the limitation to expanding the product range.

Klar:suite for vendor product data integration is up to the challenge: intelligent, highly flexible data import, an integrated ontology and terminology for data field matching and intelligent search. Automatic processes are controlled from a powerful console for managing the import mapping and for validating, reviewing, curating, and assigning product data. The data model is highly flexible with automatic creation of new units, data export/sync to ERP or shop via SQL, XML, HTML, direct API, and even intelligent catalog or price list creation with PDF or InDesign.

Icon intelligent mapping

Intelligent mapping

Unify all product datasets

Icon Automatische Workflows

Automatic workflows

Trigger self-learning data imports

Icon Minimaler Aufwand

Efficient curation

Edit in a breeze

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Build mapping model for data imports

Standardize incoming product data from any data structure. Automatically learn from input data by extracting data types. Build data model for matching multiple tables and text documents. Expand target data structure for new concepts, product categories, attributes, and values.

Diagram with the Keywords Import existing product data, select or create an import configuration, import product info, review: curate and validate data
Screenshot of klar:suite showing the easy import of various data types.

Import or sync complex data

Read tables, text, Word, Excel, XML, e.g. BMEcat. Connect ERP, SQL, APIs. Use klar:suite’s natural language processing features and automatically extract concepts relations and entities. Find new, updated, deleted product entries. Integrate media assets.

Automatic data review, manual control

Produce an input data report with automatic data consistency checks. Set criteria for import mapping quality level. Manually decide on conflict cases efficiently in batch view until all data is fully validated.

Diagram showing the connection between Vedor Data Structure and Master Data Structure by rules and transformation learning

Export to other systems: shop, ERP

Export or sync validated data in any format required, e.g. XML, SQL. Create a modern master data management infrastructure with a Single Point of Truth. Master your product portfolio with innovative exploration tools. Realize a rapid product data lifecycle for a faster time to market.

Geschäftserfolg mit Zukunft


klar:suite ist mit Ihren Daten und Ihrer Datenstruktur schnell eingerichtet und einsatzbereit. Hunderte branchenführende Funktionen machen Ihre Daten smart.

Für Sie maßgeschneidert

Ihr Business ist einzigartig, dazu ist klar:suite individuell an Ihren Bedarf anpassbar. So lassen sich auch spezielle Funktionen realisieren, die Andere einfach nicht haben.

Bereit für die Zukunft

klar:suite ist eine agile Entwicklungsumgebung. Erhalten Sie Updates, fragen Sie nach neuen Funktionen oder entwickeln Sie sie einfach selbst in JavaScript. Die Software begleitet flexibel – das ist zukunftssicher!

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